Thursday, October 28, 2010

Holey cow...

I'm standing here at work tonight and I suddenly realize I have a hole in my pants! It's right on the inner seam of my upper thigh. I immediately remember the sewing kit I found while organizing our junk drawer one night...I find it right where I remembered seeing it, yes!!! Noo!!!! It has no needle! Lots of little spools of thread, but not one needle! Our sewing kit is no sewing kit at all. It is simply a collection of many colors of thread.

I get desperate. I tried calling Bob to have him bring me a needle and thread, but got no answer. I even tried calling and waking up my poor mother (only because I knew she would be understanding) answer with her either. So I think for a minute. Okay, its small, its not really visable...I think I'll survive.

Except...the hole continues to get bigger and bigger. It is now 5 1/2 inches long! I still can do nothing about it. We have no needle, no safety pin....heck, I even searched for duct tape! Nothing. We've got nothing here that will help a girl when she's got a hole in her pants that is continuously getting larger. Ugh. I just hope that it doesn't get any larger in the next 2 hours...

Please keep your fingers crossed for me!


Ms Sparrow said...

Most older women carry small sewing kits in their purses. If you approached one on the bus or at the grocery store, I'll bet you'd get a needle. Hope your thigh doesn't get too cold!

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

Um - hello?? Stapler.

(from a girl who knows)

LacyHolly said...

OH DUH!!! Why didn't I think of that?!?! Ugh. Owell, I'm prepared for next time now! I got a cute little sewing kit from the last hotel I stayed in and cutsied it up and put it in my purse :)