Monday, February 15, 2010

At 7:52 this morning, we dropped Gidgey off to be spayed : (
Poor lil girl...and poor people who have to try to touch her!
One of the vet techs (or whatever they're called)
put a finger up to her carrier and said hi.
What did our sweet lil girl do???
She hissed, of course!
We had just explained to the check in lady how Gidge isn't very good around strangers.
So, this didn't shock them too much when she hissed;
but as a kitty parent, it's not a good feeling to witness her unfriendliness.

(here she's smashing her face against her carrier trying to escape)

Good luck Gidgey (and everyone there)!

See you tomorrow!


Lia said...

Ahh, poor baby she'll be alright you'll see. You will just have to spoil her when she is back on her feet.
Try not to worry the vets and staff are use to animals being a bit unfriendly and she'll soon be back
Much love

Ms Sparrow said...

She is a pretty little thing and I love the white tip on her tail. I'm glad you're not getting her de-clawed. That's such a brutal operation that none of my cats were done. I have four cats and they make me smile every day--not to mention how they warm me in bed at night.

LacyHolly said...

The white tip on her tail is what made me choose her! :) Although, I now believe that white tip is also what makes her crazy...haha. I could never have her de-clawed! That'd be likeing cutting off the first knuckle of my fingers! I know I wanna keep mine!

You must have your hands full with 4 cats!